Reciprocity with the Earth

In the spring when the ferns were coming up, with permission and respect I harvested fiddle heads promising that I would return in the summer to water the ferns. I didn’t quite know how I’d get the water from the nearby river to them. I had been back and attempted to scoop water with my hands but by the time I got to the ferns there were only a few drops to offer. One day this week I went there looking for spiritual revival, and was drawn in a dream to be with water. As I arrived I was angered by seeing a piece of trash in the river. I decided to take it from the river but had to remove my shoes and get in. Which ended up being permission to enjoy being in the river and sitting by the river, which was what my spirit needed. Then I realized that this trash (a can) could be used to water the ferns! I received and the earth received!


Walking Meditation on the Earth


Responsibilities for Reconciliation