What might COVID-19 teach us about climate change?

Before COVID-19, our focus was on the immensity of climate change. We asked how do we change the structures we live by to benefit the earth? We now have been forced to make these changes. We no longer fly, we are limited to purchase goods, and many of us are no longer commuting to work. These transitions have been challenging and will continue to challenge us. In the midst of the turmoil however I am finding people reaching out to one another in ways we haven’t before - connecting for the sake of connection. People are stepping out in kindness and offering support to one another through these times. If we were to take the lessons from this time and apply them to our lives after COVID-19, how might we find a new normal that benefits the earth and therefore us? What if within our own home unit we considered how might we go forward from this to reduce our carbon output? How might this collectively impact the earth?

I wish you all solace in this time, health, resilience and hope.

Earth blessings.




Pandemic Griefs and Gifts


Climate change is so big, what can I do?